Exceptional Vetted, Trained & Certified Security Guards

Allentown Security Guards
Stadium, Event & School Security Guards Allentown PA
- Today's world is uncertain and volatile - Your Allentown security guards must ensure the protection of your property and people
- At Echelon Protection & Surveillance, we offer cost-effective, flexible security solutions from the most highly trained Allentown security guards in the region
- Our certified Allentown security guards will respond are trained to handle any situation, in any industry, significantly reducing your liability and risk
- Our experts will work with you to develop a comprehensive security package, featuring real-time reporting and monitoring from our professional guards
- You are free to try our Allentown security service for a day with no long-term contact to sign, so experience our professionalism while giving yourself peace of mind
Highly-Trained Allentown Security Guards from Echelon Protection & Surveillance
Hiring a low-cost, undertrained Allentown security provider means opening up yourself to risk and liability. When you hire a professional security team, you expect more than just a person in a guard's uniform. Your Allentown security guards must be vigilant, reliable, expertly trained to solve problems, and equipped with the technology and tools required to do their job efficiently.
At Echelon Protection & Security, we offer you peace of mind by developing a flexible Allentown security plan bases on your unique needs. We hire only the most highly trained and certified Allentown security guards, all of whom are thoroughly vetted and trained to solve problems, confront challenges, and de-escalate potentially harmful situations.
We accomplish all of this at substantially less cost than a police officer, so contact us today for pricing information and expert guidance. We will help you develop a security solution utilizing the best Allentown security guards working today.
A List of Our Comprehensive Allentown Security Services
We are fully capable of providing a solution to every security issue you face. Our comprehensive list of security services for Allentown clients include:
- Allentown Event Security
- Allentown Stadium Security
- Allentown School Security
- Allentown Campus Security
- School District Residency investigations
- Anti-Terrorism
- Armed and Unarmed Allentown Security Guards
- Background Checks
- Corporate, Commercial, and Public Safety
- Personal and VIP Protection
- Building and Construction Site Security
- Loss Prevention
- Private Detective and Undercover Agent Investigation
- Crowd, Traffic, and Parking Management
- Integrated Allentown Building Security Systems
Contact us today to find out more about our certified Allentown security guards.
Allentown Tidbits
Allentown faced an uncertain future after prospering during WW II, as workers at Lehigh Structural Steel were laid off and the lucrative wartime contracts ended. However, the start of the great post-war economic boom soon fueled new growth. Pennsylvania Power and Light prosperously tapped the ever increasing demand for electricity, partially because of the new domestic appliances. The population of televisions listed in its service area increased to 35,415 sets in 1950 from none in 1946. Also in 1946, the Western Electric Company started its operations in Allentown, following which Bell Labs and Bell Telephone, for whom they made equipment, selected Allentown for its first branch. In the American Armament Building, General Electric also opened a branch in order to manufacture small appliances such as toasters. The Allentown based Mack Trucks was again profiting from military contracts during the Korean War, following which, fueled growth of the trucking industry. This resulted in increased highway construction all across the country.
However, the commercial and industrial sectaries were having a difficult time by the late 1950's. Increasing unemployment was fueled by cutbacks in heavy industry. The remaining tobacco and silk industries were declining as the result of the expansion of Western Electric in order to compete for the female labor force. In addition, the struggle for a viable downtown was complicated by sub urbanization. Hess's Department Store tried to attract customers with celebrities such as Zsa Zsa Gabor, Rock Hudson, Superman, and Lassie, flower shows, and fashion shows.
However, there was nothing that could compete with the new suburban shopping centers, such as in 1963 when the Lehigh and Parkway malls opened, which was quickly followed by the Mountainville Shopping mall and by the Whitehall Mall in 1967, which was the first enclosed shopping center in the area. In 1969, construction of the Hamilton Mall that had street landscaping and Plexiglas canopies couldn't stop the retail exodus. Rather, the downtown area became home to a hotel and conference center, offices, and financial institutions.
Allentown didn't do much to provide much needed public housing, during the post war period, which was strongly opposed by the private sector in the community. Allentown provided temporary housing in what was previously an army barracks at Fair Acres between 1947 and 1952. From 1965 through 1975, faced with an infusion of federal funds and an aging population, the Allentown Housing Authority added five projects for low income families and seniors. From the 1960's throughout the 1970's there were some urban renewal schemes that were inspired by the Penn Center in Pittsburgh and the Golden Triangle in Philadelphia downtown development projects. These new construction projects included a Chamber of Commerce building, a courthouse, a public Safety Building Complex, a new City Hall, a movie theater, a motor inn, and apartments.
However, many residents were displaced by these urban renewal projects. For instance, the Fourth Street Urban Renewal Area cleared 20 acres, which relocated over 250 families. The Little Lehigh Renewal Area, which was approved in 1967, removed over 600 houses in addition to some factory buildings. Allentown was left with acres of empty space after the 1973 Moratorium of subsidized housing, enacted by President Nixon, halted further development, although some senior apartments and townhouses were constructed.
Allentown was devastated by deindustrialization as the Lehigh Valley lost 44% of its manufacturing jobs from 1970 through 2000. In 1987, Mack Trucks closed its doors, and in 1995 Bethlehem Steel closed. While the service and retail sectors in the community added some jobs, the businesses downtown continued to suffer as the result of the increasing suburban competition. The large Lehigh Valley Mall completed in 1976, and Hess's sold to Crown America in 1979, and then placed branches in 14 shopping centers.
As the white residents and businesses relocated to the suburbs from the community, the downtown of Allentown own became home to an expanding Hispanic population, the poor, and the elderly. Puerto Rico workers were recruited by local employers for their textile and steel factories prior to the war. Farmers continued to recruit them for field work in agriculture during the post war period. From the 1960's throughout the 1970's, Puerto Rico immigration declined as the employment of blue-collar workers decreased. However, there was another wave if immigrants during the 1980's, which fueled partially by an exodus of earlier immigrants from northern New Jersey and New York City who were drawn by low home prices in Reading, Lancaster, and Allentown.
From 1980 through 1990, the Puerto Rican population in Reading increased by 67% to 11,612 people, Lancaster increased by 73% to 10,305 people, and Allentown increased by 126% to 9,670 people. By 2008, Hispanics represented 52% of the population in Reading of 80,880 people, 33% of the population in Lancaster of 56,116, and 36% of the population if Allentown of 111,025 people.
In Pennsylvania the Puerto Rican committees are increasingly and highly segregated. Because Allentown is a community that has a conservative Pennsylvania/German heritage, many Puerto Ricans had difficulty adjusting to the community. Many Lehigh Valley residents started seeing the downtown area become tainted by crime and drugs and frequently blamed this on the residents from Puerto Rico, as opposed to economic restructuring and ever increasing flight of industries. From the 1980's through the 1990's, the population of the Puerto Rican community increased, and, as a result, the cultural conflicts intensified, particularly around the objections of the older residents to Puerto Ricans who went shirtless and congregated on the streets. In 1994, the City Council passes an English only Ordnance and urged that all government documents be only printed in English in spite4 of the Governor's Advisory Commission of Latino Affairs recommendations for additional bilingual services in Allentown. Ever increasing social tensions also increased the relocation of white residents to the suburbs.
Over half of the students in the schools in Allentown were Hispanic by 2007. In order to support the Day Without an Immigrant, approximately 1,000 residents of Philadelphia gathered around the Liberty bell, about 2,000 residents marched in Reading, and several hundred residents of Allentown marched on city hall. The Census Bureau estimated that in 2007, almost 10.5% of the 108,900 resident of Allentown were African American and another 35% were Hispanic.