Exceptional Vetted, Trained & Certified Security Guards

Wilmington Security Guards
Stadium, Event & School Security Guards Wilmington DE
- Today's world is uncertain and volatile - Your Wilmington security guards must ensure the protection of your property and people
- At Echelon Protection & Surveillance, we offer cost-effective, flexible security solutions from the most highly trained Wilmington security guards in the region
- Our certified Wilmington security guards will respond are trained to handle any situation, in any industry, significantly reducing your liability and risk
- Our experts will work with you to develop a comprehensive security package, featuring real-time reporting and monitoring from our professional guards
- You are free to try our Wilmington security service for a day with no long-term contact to sign, so experience our professionalism while giving yourself peace of mind
Highly-Trained Wilmington Security Guards from Echelon Protection & Surveillance
Hiring a low-cost, undertrained Wilmington security provider means opening up yourself to risk and liability. When you hire a professional security team, you expect more than just a person in a guard's uniform. Your Wilmington security guards must be vigilant, reliable, expertly trained to solve problems, and equipped with the technology and tools required to do their job efficiently.
At Echelon Protection & Security, we offer you peace of mind by developing a flexible Wilmington security plan bases on your unique needs. We hire only the most highly trained and certified Wilmington security guards, all of whom are thoroughly vetted and trained to solve problems, confront challenges, and de-escalate potentially harmful situations.
We accomplish all of this at substantially less cost than a police officer, so contact us today for pricing information and expert guidance. We will help you develop a security solution utilizing the best Wilmington security guards working today.
A List of Our Comprehensive Wilmington Security Services
We are fully capable of providing a solution to every security issue you face. Our comprehensive list of security services for Wilmington clients include:
- Wilmington Event Security
- Wilmington Stadium Security
- Wilmington School Security
- Wilmington Campus Security
- School District Residency investigations
- Anti-Terrorism
- Armed and Unarmed Wilmington Security Guards
- Background Checks
- Corporate, Commercial, and Public Safety
- Personal and VIP Protection
- Building and Construction Site Security
- Loss Prevention
- Private Detective and Undercover Agent Investigation
- Crowd, Traffic, and Parking Management
- Integrated Wilmington Building Security Systems
Contact us today to find out more about our certified Wilmington security guards.
Wilmington Tidbits
The earliest permanent Old World settlement in the Delaware Valley was established in 1638 when the a Swedish warship named the Kalmar Nyckel, arrived at a natural wharf in what is currently known as the Christina River. Later that same year, some pioneers under the command of the former Dutch governor of New Amsterdam named Peter Minuit signed a treaty with the local chiefs of the Lenni Lenape Indian tribe and established the settlement of New Sweden. These new pioneers gained rights to the property next to the western bank of the Delaware River. The same day, they started building Fort Christina, which included a type of architecture that was used in Finland for the first two log cabins in the settlement.
These days, visitors can visit the Fort Christina State park and turn the clock back. They can also sail onboard the full-sized replica of the 139-foot Kalmar Nyckel. This ship is complete with ornate carving typical of ships in the 1600's, with ten story masts and seven canons that are in working order. The Kalmar Nyckel made more round trip documented Atlantic crossings than any other pioneer ships of the era.
The first industries in the region were fur trading with the Native Indian trappers and agriculture. The Village of Brandywine was founded upstream next to the rapidly moving Brandywine River that had mills for grinding wheat and corn by the end of the 1600's. The community became a center for shipbuilding, distribution, and milling with well protected access to the Atlantic Ocean and the Delaware River, abundant forests, and the rich land. Across the Atlantic to Europe, in the Caribbean and throughout the local settlements, Brandywine Super Fine Flour became famous.
In 1655, New Sweden was transferred to the Dutch and then, in 1681, to English control and finally became part of the Pennsylvania settlement under the control of William Penn. In 1704, a legislature was established with the appointed Governor of Pennsylvania also serving as the governor of Delaware and the three Lower Counties of Pennsylvania.
A man named Thomas Willing laid out what he named Willingtown approximately one mile upstream from the Fort Christina/New Sweden settlement in 1731. However, it wasn't long before Mr. Willing's influence was challenged by other pioneers and in 1739 the settlement was chartered by the Crown as Wilmington after the Earl of Wilmington named Spencer Compton, who was also the Lord President of King George II's Privy Council.
Delaware declared independence from England in 1776 and later that same year a man named Caesar Rodney cast the deciding vote that made the struggle of the 13 colonies unanimous. In 1781, after the end of the war and the failure of the Articles of Confederation as America's first attempt at national governance, the new US Constitution was written (1787). That same year, the first state to ratify the constitution was Delaware. Therefore, Delaware was the First State of the brand new USA.
In addition to the already existing flour mills in the Village of Brandywine, between 1780's and the 1790's, cotton and paper mills were added. Between 1802 and 1921, these and other local mills produced blasting and gun powder for America's construction projects, soldiers, and hunters, including the Panama Canal, the Spanish-American War, the Transcontinental Railroad, the Civil War, the Mexican War, and the War of 1812.
Wilmington became a major producer of fine passenger cars during the 1930's with the arrival of the railroads. That heritage continues to this day with extensive locomotive maintenance and passenger car maintenance facilities and .Amtrak's National Operations Center and National Training Center located here.
An operating climate that was friendly to business started to influence businesses to incorporate in Delaware during the early 1900's. These days, most of the Fortune 500 corporations are incorporated in Delaware.
Modern electronic banking, the manufacture of ships and railroad cars, chemistry and gunpowder, milling and agriculture have all played a very important role in how Wilmington got to be the way it is. They form the foundation of the wealth of internationally, nationally, and regionally recognized culture attractions and educational institutions.
The county seat of new Castle County and the largest community in Delaware is Wilmington. It was called Willington during colonial times after Thomas Willing, who was the first developer of the property. In 1638, the earliest settlement was established by Finland and Sweden. In 1655, the settlement was overtaken by the Dutch, and sometime later by the British. In 1739, King George granted a borough charter to the settlement under the British rule. The settlement was then renamed to Wilmington after the Earl of Wilmington, named Spencer Compton with its new status.
From 1798 through 1800 the old town hall was constructed, which is currently owned and maintained by the Historical Society of Delaware. This society also operates the Delaware History Center, which is located close by.
In 1832, the borough of Wilmington was officially granted a city charter. In 1837 , the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad arrived in the community. With the arrival of additional people and the development of new industries, Wilmington prospered. During the Civil War, the economy got an additional boost as the result of the heavy demand for war materials, such as blankets, uniforms, tents, shoes, gunpowder, railroad cars, and ships. Wilmington was the largest producer of war ships in the nation in 1868. There was a housing boom in the western portion of the community as the result of the prosperity brought about by the war. During this era, Delaware Avenue had many mansions constructed.
Primarily as the result of the efforts of a man named William Bancroft, who was so concerned about the preservation of open green spaces that he donated money and property for the development of parks, that in the late 1800's, an extensive park system was established. Among his contributions to the community are Brandywine Park and Rockford Park.